Wednesday, September 24, 2008

congestions & confections

first of all, it has been about a total of 6 hours today that my smooth little bum bums have been planted on the car seat !! no joke....! the damn traffic is really gonna take about 10% of my life away !! *sob,sob*

i have been sending my sis off to work for the past whole month, same route to and fro, same jam and would you even believe if i said the same few cars that got stuck in jam with me ?? LoL !! really ! i remembered a few uncles that got stuck in the same jam every morning at the same time. it is like we are all moving according to a little timetable that makes the world turn round ! like what the hell are we turning into ?? robots ?? aughh.....the rain didn't make things better ! from the Federal Highway to the little back streets, it is all filled with cars ! imagine pouring a tank full of water into a 2-by-2 hole !

anyway, i made it in time to pick sis up and went over to Mines Shopping Centre for her job. something to do with taking pictures of people shopping. wonder why can't i pose as a shopper and let her take all the pics she wants ? nah....i would most likely start shopping for real ! =p yes guys love shopping too ! but i didn't....*frown* went over to Kyros Kebab for some kebab ( duh ! ) tasty stuff !! do try the chicken kebab with lebanese roll !

that was appetizers !! we wanted to grab our dinner at Kenny Rogers but it was packed with people ! buka puasa la !! apa boleh buat ? i was fine but my sis really wanted Kenny !! appease her.... next stop - Leisure Mall !! she had her macoroni and cheese with a bowl full of mashed for me, only got 1 SCOOP of mash potatoes and A muffin ! =.=

*sigh* results of today, 2 quiz went very well, cybercafe not so good ( lost to Mike and Ben ! ), food just about average and traffic sucks !! a little sweet and sour makes things fun !!

p/s : went pretty much bankrupt too !

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